Biomarker Discovery
Biomarker Discovery

Biomarker Discovery

Reaction Biology offers a suite of assays to support the discovery of biomarkers to identify and quantify the effects of drug treatment on cellular or animal models.

Goals of biomarker research:

  • Ensure that your compound acts on-target during the entire drug discovery process starting at hit identification.
  • Understanding the mode of action of the compound.
  • Finding a pharmacodynamic marker to monitor the efficacy of your compound and enabling dosing experiments in animal models.
  • Determine the immune-modulating activity of immunotherapeutics

Biomarker Discovery at Reaction Biology

ELISA … Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
IHC…….. Immunohistochemistry
MSD…… Multiplex Immunoassays via Meso Scale Discovery
qPCR….. Real-time quantitative PCR
TMA……. Tissue microarrays

In addition to our in vitro assays, biomarkers can be studied in mice for PK/PD modeling in our state-of-the-art animal facility to determine dosing and your drug candidate’s ADME parameters.

View our suite of cutting-edge instrumentation enabling accurate and reproducible biomarker screening.